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Tumor research, sensory nerve research, and mouse/human homologous gene-related research (retinitis pigmentosa, autosomal recessive trait).
Strain Origin:
In 1920, Strong created this strain by crossing a Bagg albino female with a DBA male.
In 1930, Andervont introduced four females and two males of this strain, and subsequently, Heston introduced the 35th generation.
In 1951, the NIH introduced the 57th generation from Heston.
In 1974, Charles River introduced the strain from the NIH, named it C3H/HeNCrl, and performed a cesarean section the following year.
Vital River has introduced the core group of this strain multiple times from Charles River in 2001, 2007, 2014, 2019, and 2023.
Application Characteristics:
Coat Color: Agouti (wild type)
Research Applications: Tumor research, sensory nerve research, and research related to mouse/human homologous genes (retinitis pigmentosa, an autosomal recessive trait).