Code: 401
Nomenclature: CAnN.Cg-Foxn1nu/Crl

Athymic, T-cell deficient. Used for xenograft tumor research, infectious disease research, lymphocyte stem cell research, and immunology research.

Strain Origin:

Developed by Charles River Japan through mating and backcrossing of BALB/cABom-nu and BALB/cAnNCrj-nu.

In 1985, Charles River Japan obtained clearly sourced pregnant BALB/cAnNCrj-nu mice. These mice are inbred, athymic, and have a T-cell deficiency. Genetic monitoring confirmed them to be BALB/c nude mice.

In 2001, Vital River introduced the 8th generation core from Charles River.

In 2011, 2018, and 2022, Vital River reintroduced the isolator core group of this strain from Charles River.

☑ More nude mouse strains: CD-1® Nude mice, NU/NU mice, nude rats, and SRG rats.

Application Characteristics:

Coat Color: Hairless, albino background

Research Applications: Xenograft tumor research, infectious disease research, lymphocyte stem cell research, immunology research, and dermatological research.


  • BALB/c background, carrying the Foxn1nu mutation, leading to thymic aplasia, T-cell deficiency, and cellular immunodeficiency. Also exhibits a limited response to thymus-dependent antigens, resulting in impaired B-cell function.
  • Normal NK cell, macrophage, and antigen-presenting cell numbers and function, as well as normal complement activity.
  • Normal hair follicle function but impaired hair development leading to abnormal hair growth. Most hairs cannot penetrate the surface, resulting in a visibly "nude" skin. Note: Some short, curly, and easily broken hairs may be present on the skin surface; this is normal.
  • Homozygous pups can be identified at 24 hours of age because they lack whiskers or have poorly developed, curled whiskers.
  • Female nude mice cannot effectively lactate or ovulate and are not effective breeders.

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