Code: 211
Nomenclature: BALB∕cAnNCrl

General multi-purpose model, hybridoma culture, monoclonal antibody preparation, infectious disease research, and preparation of genetically engineered mice.

Strain Origin:

In 1913, H.J. Bagg developed the "Bagg albino" strain from a strain obtained from an Ohio pet dealer.

In 1923, McDowell inbred this strain.

In 1932, Snell obtained the 26th generation, which was then introduced by Andervont in 1935.

In 1951, the NIH introduced the 72nd generation from Andervont.

In 1974, Charles River introduced the strain from the NIH and named it BALB/cAnNCrl.

In 2001, Vital River introduced the 12th generation core group from Charles River.

In 2011, 2017, 2018, and 2022, Vital River performed clone back on this strain. (This likely refers to refreshing the strain's genetics by reintroducing animals from a foundation stock or cryopreserved embryos.)

Application Characteristics:

Coat Color: Albino

Research Applications: General multi-purpose model, hybridoma culture, monoclonal antibody production, infectious disease research, and generation of genetically engineered mice.


  • MHC Haplotype: H2d
  • Low incidence of mammary tumors (10-20%)
  • Both males and females are prone to atherosclerosis.
  • Males are aggressive.

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