Code: 202
Nomenclature: Vr:KM

General multi-purpose model, safety and efficacy evaluation, pharmacology, toxicology, production and quality control of pharmaceuticals and biological products, aging research, surgical model, pseudopregnancy, foster mother model.

Strain Origin:

In 1926, the Rockefeller Institute in the United States introduced albino mice from Switzerland and bred them into the Swiss mouse strain.

On March 17, 1944, Professor Tang Feifan introduced Swiss mice from the Hoffkine Institute in India and raised them at the Kunming Central Epidemic Prevention Station. Because the mice were initially introduced in Kunming, they are called Kunming mice.

Vital River introduced this strain multiple times from the National Rodent Laboratory Animal Resource Bank in 2012, 2018, and 2022.

Application Characteristics:

Coat Color: Albino

Research Applications: General multi-purpose model, safety and efficacy evaluation, pharmacology, toxicology, production and quality control of pharmaceuticals and biological products, aging research, surgical model, pseudopregnancy, foster mother model.

Characteristics: Good reproductive performance, rapid growth and development, strong disease resistance; docile temperament, easy to handle; low spontaneous tumor rate.


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